THIRD EYE, 24" x 24", 2023
I rarely paint at night and the bright lights that pierce it.
I looked forward to the challenge. To stretch my royal blue upon black.
I soaked up the energy of the ever-growing crowd.
I drew it in like air through my mouth and held my nose.
I lived on it for a few hours. I saw a Mona Lisa.
I could see yellow through my third eye and screamed as fat rent-a-cops ate corn on the cob. Melted butter dripped from their forced smiles and onto their locked guns.
I did not feel safe in their presence. They had buttered fingers.
I dreamt about expensive fried food from food trucks and watched bands that begged to be discovered. It was the 1990s all night long.
I wandered in the open-air marketplace, window shopped, and looked at art brothers and sisters made for me, you, and sales.
It was free and fun for all. The witches were in town and at dawn they would descend upon Gage Park without the police and buttered firearms.
LOOK ON TOP, 24" x 30", 2023
FINDING HIM, 18" x 24", 2023
RETRO ()'s, (bag-rags and spray paint), 18" x 24", 2023
KING PARK, 24" x24", 2023
FOOD TRUCKS AND A BAND, 24" x 24", 2023
Portrait of LOST AND FOUND by NYU professor and artist David Brooks.
A temporary spectacle first shown in 2009 by an American artist was prominently showcased at a Hamilton art and music festival . Super Crawl 2023. The installation upset Hamilton Ontario and the city's art community. I witnessed attendees asking, "Who paid for this?"
24 x 24 inches